Sunday, December 9, 2007

December 7 -- Houston to Memphis

I left Houston early, and under cloudy skies, for the 600+ mile drive to Memphis.

Before I knew it, I was past Beaumont, TX and in Louisiana (for the first time ever)!

I stopped for gas in Sulphur, Louisiana. It didn’t smell bad. It was about 78 degrees, and REALLY MUGGY. I imagine it is very very hot here in the summer months.

After leaving Sulphur, I crossed into Jefferson Davis County.  Hmm.  Despite its name, it was beautiful, as much of what I saw of the state was.

Approaching Baton Rouge (below), I passed through the adjacent community, Grosse Tete. Do you suppose the former keeps the latter from getting too large?

I switched from I-10 to I-12 in Baton Rouge, and then headed north on I-55, across the long bridges that span the Bayou des Glaises.  Look closely at the second picture, below, and you'll see an entirely separate bridge taking traffic in the opposite direction.

The highway nearly bisects the state of Mississippi as it winds through Jackson up to Memphis. It then continues through St. Louis and on to Chicago.

One of the remarkable things was how attractive the Mississippi countryside was. It reminded me a little of some of the rolling hills in the Cotswolds.  The pictures here don't really show it properly.

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